1. alice in wonderland, 2. bobby the bunny # 2, 3. freeform lace, 4. blue moon (detail 1), 5. Untitled, 6. Voices from the Past (2), 7. danielchang, 8. encomenda, 9. Summer holidays, 10. # 1322 "After The Rain", 11. French Lace Curtains, 12. WTM Word to Mother (detail) - IMG_9719 copy, 13. Profond brooch14. Not available15. Not available16. Not available

silk cashmere

Destashing, I have finally given up on using ribbon, never going to happen so I've washed and ironed it, off to etsy with you.

Voile hankie eco dyed with bottle caps and weak onion skin bath.

We have Torturous Tuesdays at my house. Bri and friends come over and do homework at my kitchen table. Even the little one sits up. I have to feed them and supply lollies.
, Wrong way around but this silk fabric already dyed using acid dyes. I put on eucalyptus leaves and simmered. I like the effect.

muslin, doiley, voile and silk all eco dyed. Except the ribbon, thats all acid dye!

Over dyed fabric. I love ironing it dry, because all of the variations become evident. This piece is quite vibrant. I have sent it to Marina, Im overdyeing silk pieces to make them more interesting and then destashing them. I have no room and more stuff in my studio than I will ever use. I feel quite stifled creatively because of it.

Yes, well, it's been a challenge. My old computer has passed on- kicked the bucket, dropped it's bundle, choked, deceased, crossed over and generally died. it's difficult for a computer savvy person like me to blog without it. I have to wait for other family members to leave their computers unatttended. AND THEY DON'T! Anyway, to proove I have not given up blogging, i took photos in the hope someone would allow me to mishandle their computer.